Sick Goldfish
Is your goldfish gasping for air, swimming in unusual patterns, refusing to eat, has skin issues or usual eye appearance? These are signs of distress. Diagnose these quickly and the good news is they can be treated.

Goldfish Diseases
Flukes, white spot, tail or fin rot, dropsy and constipation are some of the most common symptoms of stress and disease in your fish. Treat them quickly and you'll improve the condition and outcome

Best Aquarium Filters
Are you confused about water filters? Here's how to choose the best fish tank filter system for your aquarium. Best canister filter, external filter, sponge filter, trickle filter, fluidized, under gravel filter, diatomic filters - their best uses and when they're needed

White Spot on Fish
This is a common disease caused by parasites. White spots are about the size of a grain of sugar on skin, fins and gills. It can be treated successfully at home

Food for Goldfish
What not to do is as important as feeding the best goldfish food. For example, you might be surprised to learn that not soaking goldfish pellets before feeding can cause serious issues

Water Conditioner for Fish Tank
Water conditioner is essential and there's plenty of choice. But if you're wanting the best, choose one that provides benefits like coating scales and fins to protect them and relax your fish
In well-aerated water as little as 1% by volume of water may contain oxygen. The most popular way of providing aeration is by an airstone attached to an airline. It generates a stream of bubbles that draws water to the surface as they rise.
When it comes to size of bubbles produced by the airstone, you don’t want too fine a mist, or big bubbles racing to the surface. Ideally just a steady stream of tiny to medium-sized bubbles that take their time as they travel to the surface. This enables them to add oxygen as they progress through the water. Find more on air pumps here →

Betta Fish
Diseases affecting Bettas include fin rot and ich. Female bettas live quite well together. Males not so much and they need individual tanks or to live with non-agressive fish.

Comet Goldfish
The forked tail is at least 3/4 of their body length and a distinguishing feature of fast, agile comet. Comets are hardy and fertile making these good fish to breed

Goldfish Care
A beginners guide with tips for choosing healthy fish. Eyes, skin and the tank they come from will give clues to their health. Healthy fish survive the stress of moving and thrive in a new environment

Fish Tank Cleaning
How to clean your fish tank in 5 steps. Clean the tank, gravel and accessories once a week. Filters should be cleaned every 2/3 weeks. Clean filters using the dirty tank water you've removed

Dropsy in Goldfish
A disease that attacks stressed fish when their immune system is compromised. Fish appear swollen with pine-cone like appearance. Treatment is possible, prevention always being the top option

Aquarium Salt
It works. Treat fin rot with aquarium salt. The salt bath is an 'old-fashioned' effective treatment for goldfish fungus, ich and other malignancies. The 'how to' is easy

Malachite Green
This is a treatment if you notice your fish rubbing up against objects, white spots or even red spots around the gills, (your fish may have ich). Green Malachite can help and here's how you use it

Koi Pond Pumps
The best pond pump is determined by the size of the pond. Submersible pumps are economical and practical for smaller ponds (to 1000 gallons). External pumps are energy efficient and tough

Koi Pond Construction
Your 'need to knows' before starting to build a koi pond. Maintenance tips and recommended pond water treatment products you'll need

Building a Goldfish Pond
7 easy step by step instructions for creating your own backyard koi pond project. Keep it simple with this diy project that guides you producing a stunning water feature

Goldfish Facts
Why are so many goldfish orange? Where do they come from? How long can you expect your fish to live? What about Koi? Curious about Algae eaters? This is for you

Garden Pond Fish
Your guide to fish that survive and thrive in a fish pond. Ponds and water gardens 50 to 500 gallons suit goldfish. Ponds over 500 gal are best for Koi,
Your fish tank or pond should be setup so it’s never deficient of oxygen. Fish obtain oxygen by extracting it from their habitat. Installing an effective filter system is an important step to keep your goldfish healthy and control disease.
Carbon dioxide is a by-product of respiration and an excessive amount of gas in the fish tank is dangerous to goldfish.
When the water is circulated, harmful carbon dioxide is carried to the surface and released into the atmosphere. That’s why effective filtration and aeration is so important.
You’ll find lots of tips on this site to help solve your fish health problems quickly and look after your aquarium water to maintain strong, healthy goldfish. If you’ve got questions like how to tell if your goldfish is pregnant, what’s the best fish food or choosing the best filter for your tank, we’ve got you covered.
Come visit us regularly. We’re sure you’ll always find some useful information whether you’re a beginner or experienced in goldfish care.
Are the kids getting bored?
If you answered yes, introduce them to a new hobby. Learning about goldfish is a great way to bring the family together and learn about the responsibility of looking after a new pet. And they can be very entertaining little fish. It doesn’t have to cost very much, no age limits and might be the best thing you could do for them …and for you. Learn about setting up a fish tank here.