
Category: Water

effect of air stone in tank

How to Get Air Bubbles in the Fish Tank

Gills in fish are like lungs in humans. As water passes over the network of fine blood vessels contained within the extremely fine filaments of the gills, fish absorb the oxygen content in the water. Unlike humans, fish can breathe in water. Why?  Because water is the easiest way to deliver air to them. So

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It’s All About the Water Quality

Now to learn about the most important things you need to know about raising healthy goldfish in both ponds and tanks, good water quality. Just because the water is clear it doesn’t mean it’s perfect for the fish. Many factors determine whether the water is suitable for a healthy living environment for goldfish. Regularly testing

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aqueon proflex sump

What’s the Benefit of a Fish Tank Sump?

The purpose of adding a sump is to provide efficient, effective and safe filtration of a fish tank. ‘But isn’t that what all filters are designed to do?’ I hear you ask. Yes absolutely, with varying degrees of effectiveness dependent on choosing the right one for your tank. Adding a sump steps your fish tank

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A janitor noticed noticed the fish were missing

Is a Biological Water Filter Supplement Worth Using?

A biological water conditioner contains carefully selected strains of useful bacteria. What does a biological water filter do? It speeds up the natural nitrogen cycle within the tank making the treated water safe for fish. helps minimize aquarium maintenance by reducing waste in gravel, power filters, decorations and on interior aquarium surfaces. Waste control rapidly

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What is the Perfect Goldfish Water Temperature?

This article contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase after clicking on a link I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. The optimal temperature range of water for a goldfish tank is 23 to 24 degrees centigrade. Properly treated water kept at the preferred temperature means the difference between

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