
Category: Pond Plants

Aquatic Plants

Pond Plants – Why Are They Beneficial?

Updated September 2018 Aquatic pond plants, also scientifically known as hydrophytes, have unique characteristics. They’re an essential component for your pond releasing oxygen the plants and fish need to survive. There’s a noteworthy growth relationship between plants and water as they depend on each other. They have a growth trait where they grow best when

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Microsorum pteropus

Java Fern – A Welcome Addition To Your Pond Or Aquarium!

Updated September 2018 The Java Fern, or Microsorum pteropus to give its proper scientific name, is often considered to be a collective term for a huge variety of plants. In truth the java fern is one single species of aquatic plants. However because of the sheer variety of shapes and sizes that are found in

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Get quality pond plants and aquarium plants

Beautiful Pond Plants Never Go Out Of Style

Updated September 2018 Pond plants are a great way to add color and diversity to your water feature. If your pond or fish tank is purposefully designed to be a focal point or centerpiece within a particular area of your garden or home, then its presence will have a far reaching effect on the appearance and

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