The beauty of air valves is that they enable you to run an additional filter or aeration devices off a single pump. This means you can send pumped air to different parts and devices in the tank.
You’re also able to control the air flow to these different places. This is possible because air valves take the feed from the air pump then distribute air to 2 or more valves. They can be used or shut off if not being used.
Before we get to more of the technical details of air valves, we need to define exactly what they are.
According to Wikipedia, ‘an air operated valve is a type of power operated valve that uses air pressure against a piston or diaphragm to produce linear or circular movement to operate a valve.’
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What do air valves do?
They perform 2 important functions in a piping system.
- They maintain system design efficiency. Air valves help reduce maintenance of a fish tank enhancing the function of filters.
- They provide system protection. They stop aquarium water from back siphoning during a power outage. This is achieved by regulating air flow and aerating water.
Technically speaking …
What is system efficiency? System efficiency is maintained by venting air via the valves from the system. This prevents restricted flow and increased pumping costs.
How do they provide system protection? By exhausting and admitting air through the air valves during system operations.
The times of operation include start-up, shutdown and critical conditions. Critical conditions means times of power failures or line breaks. The exhausting and admitting of air during these times reduces the potential for destructive surges normally associated with uncontrolled air or a vacuum condition within the piping system.
Why are air valves important?
Constant supply and availability of fresh air is the source of life for any living organism and a goldfish needs exactly that to live a healthy and long life. Air valves can be fitted as a single valve, pairs of 2, 5 or 6 that are well placed over the edge of the aquarium.
How many air valves do I need?
Normally, a single pump should be able to supply an aeration device and a filter. However introducing air valves gives you a layer of flexibility in how you set up your tank and added level of efficiency in how it runs.
If you’re new to keeping goldfish, it’s recommended that you use a 3 valve system. 2 boost the functioning of the filters while 1 expels excess air in the aquarium.
Valves are important because ineffective aeration causes problems. As an example, if the gravel is too fine and there’s less air circulation it means debris collects at the bottom. This leads to pollution of the fish tank.
What happens if I don't have air valves?
- Food added to the fish tank that’s not eaten by your goldfish will decompose. This then produces gases that are poisonous to the fish. Valves help with filtration efficiency.
- Power surges can cause issues in the lines. Valves help with system protection.
Aquarium air valves come in many forms such as check valves, pipe valves, clamps and gang valves. Your choice will depend on what you find suitable for your type of aquarium.
How well you set up a fish tank for your goldfish determines how long fish live. Making sure that all required aquarium accessories are well fitted is a good first step to a proper functioning fish tank.
With care your fish can live for several decades without any major problems.
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