
Category: Articles

Anatomy of Goldfish

What are the parts of a goldfish? Carassius Auratus, (or goldfish), come from the Cyprinidae family, a classification of Carp. The anatomy of the goldfish consists of fins (caudal, anal, dorsal, pelvic or ventral, pectoral), scales, gill cover, mouth, nostril and eyes. Looking at a goldfish from the top, the view shows the middle as

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Goldfish Know How To Win Popularity Contests

Goldfish FAQ’s A common perception we have of goldfish is of them swimming contentedly in a little bowl. Their popularity is undisputed. Their personalities have been explored and characters presented in numerous cartoons and comic strips; characters like those appearing in ‘Garfield’, ‘Chicken Little’, ‘The Simpsons’ and ‘The Cat in the Hat’. They’ve starred in

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Golfish and their Behavior

What’s To Love About Goldfish?

There are over 125 varieties of goldfish. More varieties than any other fish species and they are the most popular domesticated aquatic life in the world. If you’re reading this, it’s likely that you’re one of the many people who love goldfish and interested in learning more about goldfish. You’re in good company because goldfish make

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What is Aquascaping

Aquariums are great for providing a safe and beautiful residence for your pet fish but can also be used to create an amazing aquascape or underwater garden. Aquascaping is basically the arrangement of aquatic plants in conjunction with rocks, stones, cavework or driftwood in a visually pleasing style. They can be created with plants only

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