
Category: Pond Algae

Aquashade weed control method

How to Get Rid of Algae in a Pond

updated March 2019 When left unchecked algae has a damaging effect. It uses up oxygen and ruins the look of your pond and certainly doesn’t look pretty. Although fish will eat algae, it discolors ponds and quickly overruns contained water. How can algae growth be controlled?  UV rays are a key factor to enable photosynthesis*

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Wild blue-green algae is a phyto-plankton and contains virtually every nutrient

What are Wild Blue Green Algae? Are There Any Benefits?

Post updated April 2023 Glowing wild blue-green algae is a plant that regenerates via photosynthesis. The phytoplankon contains virtually every nutrient and is an amazing form of vegetation. But as amazing as it is with the beneficial effects, the most toxic strain, can have deadly consequences on our fish and rivers. Wild blue-green algae are

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How Does Red Marine Algae Affect Fish?

Last updated September 2018 There are many types of algae and they are a vital part of the marine and fresh-water ecosystems.  Most species of algae are harmless.   However under certain environmental conditions, a microscopic algae referred to as “Karenia Brevis” develops and it’s harmful to marine and bird life. This algae can start

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What Are The Different Types Of Pond Algae?

Algae, plants and fish all live and feed on the organisms floating in the water. All life is vitally dependent on oxygen and oxygen is essential for a healthy pond environment. Algae are small primitive plants that bear close resemblance to fungi. Pond algae are a normal part of a healthy environment, but they can

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