
Category: Goldfish Diseases

pet goldfish care tips

What Clues Hide in the Behavior of your Sick Goldfish?

These are the symptoms your goldfish is distressed and how to treat the problems How do you know when your fish is sick? You’ll notice unusual behavior or appearance and signs of distress. Watch for indicators to pinpoint the problem. The good news is that often the cause can be treated quite easily once you’ve

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How To Diagnose And Cure Flukes In Goldfish

What are flukes? These are tiny white parasites similar to worms. Symptoms of flukes The 11 signs to look for: clamped fins occur early isolation and redness of skin refusal to eat food and listless rubbing against the surface split fins may signify a fluke infestation in the aquarium appearance of mucus on gills quick

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Dropsy – How To Diagnose And Cure Goldfish Of This Disease

Dropsy in goldfish is a challenge for owners worldwide. What is Dropsy? Before we discuss the technicalities and actual treatment it’s important to understand one crucial aspect of the “disease” itself. It’s actually not a disease but a bacterial infection that causes excess waste and fluid to store in the stomach or kidneys of the

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poor sick goldfish

Goldfish Illness: What Are The Main Culprits?

If your goldfish is showing signs of distress, sickness,  disease or parasite infection, try the least dangerous route first, making sure you’ve done everything possible for your goldfish before resorting to medications. Typically the root of the problem has to do with poor water quality, stemmed from goldfish overfeeding, improper goldfish water changes or inadequate

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Care Of A Goldfish: Constipation or Indigestion

Watch your goldfish for these signs: swollen abdomen inactivity resting at the bottom of the tank With constipation in fish, or indigestion, there’s good news and bad news. Good news first. Any other fish in the same tank or aquarium is not likely to become ill as well because this sickness is not contagious. The

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