Goldfish Problems and How to Deal with Them
Treating goldfish with unnecessary or wrong antibiotics can be harmful, if not deadly. Before medication, it might be helpful to clean the tank or change the environment.
Treating goldfish with unnecessary or wrong antibiotics can be harmful, if not deadly. Before medication, it might be helpful to clean the tank or change the environment.
4 reasons why goldfish stay on the bottom of the tank 1. Swim Bladder 2. Constipation 3. Overcrowding 4. Aggressive fish behavior Goldfish are generally easy to take care of, but when problems arise, finding a solution can be difficult. One thing that causes great concern is when you find your goldfish laying on bottom
A fantail fins turning black is quite common and may or may not be cause for alarm. It’s important to note any changes in behavior and eating habits of the goldfish that are happening at the same time. It might be caused by one of these 4 issues that can be easily rectified.1. Ammonia Burns2.