Goldfish care is not as complicated as most people think.
Once you’ve made the decision to have a pet, you’ve made a commitment and there’s just a few things you need to know to ensure the health and wellbeing of your fish. Don’t worry, it’s much less demanding than looking after dogs or cats.
1. Change the water regularly
As with most freshwater pet fish, the quality and cleanliness of the water they swim in is most important.
The tank needs to be cleaned on a regular basis. It’s also very important to keep the water temperature below 74ºf or 23ºc to prevent oxygen deprivation which can cause the fish to asphyxiate and die.
Keep in mind that the more fish there are in one tank, the more often it needs to be cleaned. Checking the temperature and clarity of the water everyday is a good way to keep catch any problems early.
- If you’re using a goldfish bowl, i’s necessary to change the water at least once a day to stop the fish from getting sick. (Goldfish bowls are not recommended, but I know for many it can be a starting point)
- Dirty water can cause any number of illnesses, as well as depleting their oxygen supply making your fish uncomfortable.
- If you have a fish tank changing the water every 5-7 days is ideal, depending on the number of fish.
2. Feed your goldfish only once each day
Not too many people are aware of the fact that goldfish don’t actually have a stomach. They still need nourishment in the form of solid food. While a goldfish is really small, its metabolic rate is quite slow so you only need to give it food once a day (a pinch or two of pellets).
- Remember that overfeeding your goldfish can lead to very serious and irreparable damage to its digestive system and can cause ultimately death.
- Scoop up any leftover food from the tank to avoid contamination and prevent fish from becoming more susceptible to illnesses.
- You might also consider feeding the fish with fresh fruits and vegetables (cut into very small pieces) for extra nutrition.
3. Never overcrowd a fish tank or bowl
A lot of people think that a goldfish is meant for a fishbowl (as portrayed in every ad or movie scene in recent years), but they are much better off swimming in a larger tank.
- Although a goldfish is quite small, your fish does like a lot of space to swim around. It’s best not to place more than 2 to 3 fish in a small to medium sized tank so they don’t get stressed or agitated.
- If one of your fish becomes sick, we recommend moving the fish to another tank. The sick fish can be treated and you’ll avoid spreading disease to your other fish.
Goldfish Tank Population
As with most fish, companionship is very important to goldfish so it’s good to put more than one fish in every tank, but be careful of overcrowding.
When you decide to get a goldfish for a pet, be sure to buy all the necessary supplies and equipment beforehand. While it might seem a bit daunting at first, most goldfish owners get into the rhythm within a week and find that goldfish care is not at all that hard. Goldfish care is not too complicated so anyone can get the hang of it in no time. Making sure that you have all the necessary gear, (filters, water conditioner etc.) enables you to be a great pet owner and enjoy the pleasure of watching your fish.
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