Goldfish FAQ’s
A common perception we have of goldfish is of them swimming contentedly in a little bowl. Their popularity is undisputed.
Their personalities have been explored and characters presented in numerous cartoons and comic strips; characters like those appearing in ‘Garfield’, ‘Chicken Little’, ‘The Simpsons’ and ‘The Cat in the Hat’. They’ve starred in animated movies, for example ‘Chloe the goldfish’ in the classic children’s movie ‘Pinocchio’. They’ve been kept by English Prime Ministers – in fact they are loved by children and adults alike the world over.
- Goldfish have been the choice pet for families around the world for years.
- Goldfish are available in over 100 different varieties, far more than any other fish.
- Goldfish are popular in both China and Japan.
- The word for goldfish in Chinese is Chin-yii.
- Both the Chinese and Japanese goldfish owners originally kept their fish in a pool or fishpond in their gardens or yards. Eventually, the Chinese goldfish owners began to keep the goldfish in aquariums or tanks so they could bring their pets into their homes.
- The Japanese later followed suit.
Interesting note … Japan actually had a goldfish show held in Osaka in the year 1862. - Goldfish were eventually introduced to America and became popular as lovable presents and gifts. The Goldfish also went to other lands such as France, Germany and England. Of the more than 100 varieties of goldfish, America was able to breed one of them, the comet goldfish.
To read more about the comet goldfish, click on this link.
To this day goldfish have retained their global popularity and will most likely continue to be popular for many years to come.
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