Aquarium Water Treatment Products

Aqueon Aquarium Water Changer
Takes the mess out of water changing

small aquarium kit
Aqueon 17755 10 set-up and care guide included

Air curtain bubble
Jardin aquarium rubber flexible air curtain diffuser tubing hose, 17-1/2inch, black

Aquarium Air Valve
-metal and plastic 4-way outlet air flow control lever pump valve for aquarium 5mm diameter tube

Gravel vacuum for aquariums
25 feet make water changes easy, eliminate the need for heavy, messy buckets

Aqueon Tap water conditioner
Instantly conditions tap water making it safe for fish and plants

Nutrafin cycle biological filter supplement
Fast-acting responsive ammonia and nitrite elimination

Nutrafin Betta Plus, 4 Ounces
Makes tap water safe for your bettas

Tetra AquaSafe PLUS water treatment
Help wounds heal and protects fish from abrasions by providing a slime coat

Water Conditioner
Nutrafin Aqua Plus Water Conditioner Coats and protects scales and fins
Aquarium Filters

Cascade 1000 canister filter for up to 100 gallon aquariums
quick easy push button self-primer

diatom filter
– 8 in. x 15 in. The filter has a 6 month warranty

fluidized bed filter
Flat side allows for a snug fit to any aquarium or reservoir tank

fish tank biochemical sponge filter,
4-1/2-Inch Easy to clean, simply rinse and squeeze

BioBalls (300 cnt) Filter Media-
(comes with free bacteria jump start)

Undergravel Filter
12x48inch Most preferred by saltwater aquarists

Add-A-Stone air pump
accessories, 10 x 2 in Provides a continuous tower of bubbles for aerating your aquarium

Waterfall filter
mount on the outside of fish tank

Spectrastone shallow creek pebble
for freshwater aquariums, Won’t affect the PH

aquarium rocks –
perfect for aquascaping and adding interest to your tank (good base for plants)

small polished stones
for decorating aquarium (safe for aquariums)

natural and light, safe.
create an interesting landscape with these rocks and grow aquatic plants on them

Aqua filter – excellent product comes with 2 year warranty
gives continuous biological filtration and superior water quality due to the aqua clear foam, activated carbon and biomax, cycle guard
Water Testing Kits

freshwater master water test kit
Kit includes laminated color card, 4 test tubes and holding tray

pond water test kit
master liquid 6 bottles so you can perform assorted water tests
Sumps & Pumps

Aqueon ProFlex sump 44-55 gallon
quiet filtration

Aqueon hang-on overflow box
Dual drain design in case one gets clogged

solar pump for fish ponds
water gardens; supplied with solar battery – charged from sunlight

CO2 valve
tough and reliable – keeps water flowing in single direction

permanent air compressor pump
for fish tanks, ponds, aaquarium aerator Pressure:0.10MPa

air pump
Tetra Whisper air pump budget priced air pump

Beckett small pond pump,
115 volt low maintenance pump

submersible pump
used for hydroponic systems, ponds,fresh, saltwater aquariums, fountains, filter systems

strong, energy efficient submersible pond pump,
handles solid matter efficiently, 2 yr limited warranty

Ideal for external pump koi ponds,
weatherproof motor, quiet operation, 3 yr warranty
Fish Food

flake fish food
Instant baby brine flake fish food for newly hatched fish

Nutrafin Max marine flakes
rich in spirulina providing digestive system support

spirulina enriched flakes
formulated so fish use more of what they eat

Repashy Soilent green gel fish food
Crude protein min. 45%, crude fat min. 8%, crude fibre max. 8%, Moisture max. 8%, Ash max. 12%.

Hikari goldfish food
baby pellets

Tetra Goldfish weekend food
for all goldfish A specially formulated diet to keep your coldwater fish healthy while you’re away from home

Nutrafin: total fish food ideal for goldfish and koi
vitamins for healthy growth and disease resistance (produces less waste and algae)

Hikari tropical Algae
Wafer formulated for hard to feed plecostomus and other algae eating bottom feeders

Pond Koi fish food
100% complete balanced nutrition

Koi vibrance food
floating soft sticks are easy to digest

Koi growth food
high protein food for fast fish growth

Pond Sticks
Premium nutrition for all sizes of pond fish, goldfish, and koi

color enhancing premium koi and goldfish food
(medium 40lb)

Fancy goldfish food
stress reduction and improved immunity to infectious disease
Sick Fish Treatments

use for parasites:
flukes, tapeworm, flatworm and turbellarians treatment for aquarium fish

Chlorophyll liquid
improves oxygen levels in fish that are suffering/have suffered from nitrate or nitrite poisoning

Aloe Vera supplement,
whole leaf, 32 fluid ounce Helps restore and promote regularity

API Liquid Super Ick Cure
Effective treatment for Ich, a highly contagious disease, also called white spot disease

API Aquarium Salt
Promotes healthy gill function and reduces stress and loss of electrolytes

Malachite Green
treatment and disease prevention for fresh and saltwater fish; parasite treatment

Prazi Koi pond treatment
for flukes and parasites in pond fish

for aquariums For disease conditions caused by flukes, tapeworm, flatworm and turbellarians

Effective treatment for a variety
Effective treatment for a variety of bacterial infections; use contents of 1 caps into 10 gals water

isolation tank or beginners kit
5 gallon glass aquarium – everything you need to set up isolation tank or beginners kit (available 5- 20 gallons)

Antibacterial treatment
for treating fin and tail rot, damaged fins, mouth fungus. Use in fresh and salt water

Dimilin-X Treatments for parasites in koi and goldfish ponds
Anchor worm, fish lice, flukes
Pond Liners

underlayment padding pond liners and filters, 15 by 6 feet
Protect liner from roots and stones

10 ft x 13 ft pond liner
Lightweight, ultra-durable, and easy to handle

Pre cut 15 x 15ft rubber pond liner
thick and flexible; plant and fish safe

7 ft x 10 ft pond skin pond liner
Textured surface promotes good microbial growth

Rubber pre cut pond liner, black, 20 ft length x 20 ft width
x 0.045 inch thick Easy maintenance and lasting
Pond Water Fountain

Floating display fountain
Kasco Marine 3400JF 050 Floating display fountain ¾hp 120 volts 50′ cord

Floating aerating fountain
Kasco Marine 5.1VFX 400 Floating aerating fountain 5hp 240 volts 400′ cord

solar fountain
Smart solar fountain aquatic range floating lily (no running costs)

strong, dependable
filter which also provides an attractive fountain – sizes suitable for small and medium ponds
Pond Maintenance Products

20′ underlayment and landscape fabric
High tensile strength underlayment is easy to shape for your project

aquarium fish net
with stainless steel handle, medium Strong fish net to use in freshwater and saltwater aquariums

net for koi fish; fish ponds, pools cleaning and maintenance telescopic handle extends to a massive 8ft

Aquashade discourages algae growth
in pond water colors water to blue-green
Aquariums and Stands

gallon metal tank stand
Made with durable solid steel and sturdy construction

75/90 gallon upright
aquarium stand modern, sleek style

Aquarium kit complete
with everything you need for easy set-up experience ( available 5, 10, 20gal) 20 g measures: 24″ L x 12.5″ W x 16.5″ H

Aqua Nursery for breeding
5.25 in. x 4 in. x 4.5 in.