
Why You Should Use Aquarium Gravel

last updated October 2018

best aquarium gravel
It doesn’t cloud the water and helps keep water clean allowing fish to breathe easily


The choice of whether to use aquarium gravel or sand is usually based on aesthetics, types of fish that live in the environment as well as plants kept in the aquarium.


Aquarium gravel is probably the most easily available and commonly used. It’s inexpensive and comes in a wide range of colors and particle sizes.


There’s also a whole host of other advantages for using gravel and we’ve listed the pros and cons of gravel and sand here.

Gravel advantages



best aquarium gravel

Gravel Cleaner

best aquarium vacuum
Aquarium gravel cleaner

The USA made Python gravel cleaner is an aquarium maintenance system recommended and used worldwide.


With over 3,100 reviews on amazon and earning 4 1/2 stars I’m not alone in recommending this product to deal with routine maintenance and cleaning gravel in the tank. It makes the whole process so easy.

best aquarium vacuum cleaner

Why would you choose sand?



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